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Craig Elevitch

Craig Elevitch, PhD, an educator in agroforestry and regenerative human agroecosystems since 1991, directs Agroforestry Net. The organization’s internationally recognized publications and workshops have guided thousands in becoming more proficient in ecological food production, agroforestry, and reforestation. Craig edits The Overstory, a monthly agroforestry journal with thousands of subscribers in 185 countries. His books include Agroforestry Guides for Pacific Islands (2000), The Overstory Book: Cultivating Connections with Trees (2004), Traditional Trees of Pacific Islands: Their Culture, Environment, and Use (2006), Specialty Crops for Pacific Islands (2011), and Agroforestry Landscapes for Pacific Islands: Creating abundand and resilient food systems (2015), all of which promote diverse agricultural systems that produce abundant food, fiber, medicine, and other important resources.  He is using our expertise to help us live and eat more mindfully.