What is Mama food forest™?

  • It is classroom

  • It is a kitchen

  • It is a healing garden

  • It is natural path pharmacy

  • It is home for biodiversity

  • It is air purifier and oxygen generator

  • It is stage for cultural sharing

  • It is connection to ancestral wisdom and stories

  • It is a place for nature disaster preparedness

  • It is the food bank for future generations

Mama Food Forest Design—energy transformation process

Mama Food Forest is a transformative learning program to help reconnect us with Mother Earth in a healthy and loving way. Through a beautiful and intimate experience of growing a Mama Food Forest we will align ourselves with the rhythm of nature and learn how to heal ourselves through wholistic foods for our body, mind, and soul. The program will also become the most needed tool to address the underlying problems of food security, climate change, disaster preparation and communities building. Most importantly, we will learn to live from regenerative settlement to inner regeneration, which will able self healing to social transformation. 

Your energy is 100% related to your purpose, Mama Food Forest is a nature-energy transformation process.

Your energy is 100% related to your purpose, Mama Food Forest is a nature-energy transformation process.

Our communities are our transformative learning classrooms, the soil for seeds of happiness and regeneration, the healing biotopes.

Through learning culture diversity and biodiversity we establish the wholistic view of life and connectness with all beings.

Through learning change of nature, culture and the world, we re-align our rhythm of life with rhythm of earth and universe.

Through learning inner regeneration and nature regeneration, we heal what we destroy before and build a better self and better society.

Through learning how to design and grow a Mama Food Forest you will align your intention with your attention to achieve your purpose.

Through learning how to design and grow a Mama Food Forest you will align your intention with your attention to achieve your purpose.


Relationship to mother and Mother Earth

  • Importance of motherhood

  • Mother’s educational role

  • Female divinity

  • Two mothers in our lives

Tune into harmony with nature and universe

  • Feeling the Mother Earth’s body, energy and soul

  • Reawakening our senses

  • Reconnect with our body, mind and soul

  • Understand the child development rhythm

  • Twelve meridian rivers—human body regeneration within a day

  • Moon movement relationship with human body rhythm in a month

  • 24 solar terms—annual sun-human body relationship rhythm

  • Seven planets relationship with human body rhythm over a lifetime

From a healthy human to a healthy earth

  • Becoming one with Earth soul

  • What makes the healthy internal environment of human being

  • What is whole food?

  • Food is medicine

  • The law of nourishment

  • Food for future

  • Design and grown your own food system base on your personal healing plan

  • Creating a beautiful world together

Through personal healing to social transformation

  • Care of oneself

  • Care of community

  • Care of Mother Earth

Stewardship and Service

We value stewardship and service, knowing that our actions, both positive and negative, have profound impacts on the entire earth community. We believe in being responsible for our resources, our footprints, and our future generations. Being an integral part of the world, we feel responsible to live in ways that honor both human needs and those of the broader world, while also advocating for and serving those in need.

Mama Food Forest Partners

Become a Partner

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.